Build your squad

Crowdfund. Onboard. Strategize. Launch.

On-chain multiplayer coordination games made easy.

Build your silo

Crowdfund. Onboard. Strategize. Launch.

On-chain multiplayer coordination games made easy.

Launch sequence

Silo Squad is building ERC6551 NFT DAO tooling designed to help communities align and coordinate around shared objectives.

Contribute ETH in our YEET event to join the Squad.

Launch sequence

Silo Squad is building ERC6551 NFT DAO tooling designed to help communities align and coordinate around shared objectives.

Contribute ETH in our YEET event to join the Squad.

Incubator program

Silo Squad will be providing guidance and resources to a select group of projects looking to build on SiloHaus. The incubator pilot program is set to launch October 2023. If you're interested in joining, come stop by the Silo Squad Discord to chat.

Incubator program

We will be providing guidance and resources to a select group of projects looking to build on SiloHaus. From DeFi protocols to social tokens to service providers, SiloHaus is here to offer support. Our incubator pilot program is set to launch August 2023. If you're interested in joining, come stop by our Discord to chat with us.

Governance framework

Built on DAOhaus' decentralized infrastructure and SDK, SiloHaus leverages the battle tested Moloch smart contracts to power the launchpad and correlating governance tools.

Governance framework

Built on DAOhaus' decentralized infrastructure and SDK, SiloHaus leverages the battle tested Moloch smart contracts to power the launchpad and correlating governance tools.

Silo Ecosystem

Silo Ecosystem